Vendor Services

Are you truly getting the most out of your B2B partnerships and relationships?

  • Sales and Leadership Improvement Training & Change
  • The "Above The Line" Approach
  • Program, Vendor, Customer & Internal Feedback Reviews & Surveys
  • Program Implementation, Review & Compliance Outcome

Sales and Leadership Improvement Training & Change

Are you getting the most out of your sales and leadership teams? Are they consistently Above The Line both collectively and individually?

In this uniquely challenging and rapidly changing business environment, it can be difficult to keep sales teams and their individual members from having "victim mindset creep" that justifies to them that targets are not achievable due to circumstances beyond their control, and allow this to reduce their performance self-expectations, drive and outcome results. There is simply no room for beliefs such as "It’s because of the economy, the customer won’t spend the money, my key contact has left, our product is too expensive"…

  • Do you really understand your customers and prospects and what drives their organizations?

  • Are you having a hard time getting to the right person, or finding out the real reasons someone isn’t dealing with your company?

  • Does your sales team and all its members have an Above The Line attitude?

  • Is there an effective, clear strategy and plan to achieve results that are meet and exceed that which is required?

  • Can you confidently say that the entire organization is aligned to that set of goals and approach?

  • Are all executing as expected and is the required support system in place to improve behaviour and outcomes?

  • Might there be legitimate concerns in organization process creating roadblocks to maximized outcomes?

Achieving results cannot be seen as being dictated by outside forces, but rather how effective approaches and techniques are strategically planned and aligned through communication and commitment, and expected on both individual and organizational levels. Failures in these areas are often the most significant impediments to overall success.

Above The Line Solutions utilizes proven effective sales techniques and organizational leadership skill models and programs. Utilizing Patrick Lencioni's award winning methods of examining organizations and processes, along with other recognized third party resources, we build sales results and strong foundational leadership to create immediate impact and ensure the gains are sustainable.


The "Above The Line" Approach

Above The Line is both a cultural philosophy of organizations and individuals, as well as a measure of successful results. Being Above The Line means being fully personally accountable, taking responsibility for outcomes and mindsets, being proactive, and delivering results that exceed expectations. It also means constantly redefining, through increased expectation, where “The Line” of success should be.

As the business environment continues to see unprecedented change, organizations must ask themselves, “How can we alter our approach to excel in this new environment?” The answer is found in examining how businesses work both internally and with others, whether with business partnerships, and with vendors or customers.

  • Is your company’s structure and approach such that you are getting the best possible outcome of existing partnerships?

  • Are you sure you understand the market and the key drivers and motivators in those you deal with enough to be as successful as possible?

  • Are you working on agreements without taking all steps to take advantage of the benefits of a truly synergistic partnership?

  • Are you preparing to renew agreements without having had the chance to examine how to improve them prior?

  • Have you had business review meetings that didn’t give you the type of information that provides actionable results or improvement?

  • Are you a sales organization with a sales team that isn’t delivering all that it could yet not changing its approach?

  • Is your leadership and team members aligned in organization, with measurable personal accountabilities, daily behaviours and mindsets to deliver results that match the organization’s goals and targets in this challenging environment?

Examining these questions effectively and taking an Above The Line approach to addressing them will result unequivocally in a realization that there are unlimited and achievable opportunities to enhance the outcomes and results of your business.

Taking an Above The Line approach to your business results in a renewed spirit of accountability, drive and commitment with a higher achievable expectation and result.

Above the Line Solutions works with your organization to determine opportunities for improved outcomes, whether internally or through partnerships. We use proven techniques, tools, resources, and programs to deliver Enhanced Business Results and strengthen your organization and it’s positioning in the marketplace.


Program, Vendor, Customer & Internal Feedback Reviews & Surveys

You cannot address what you have not identified, and you cannot be as effective business operator fully reaching your potential, without finding out. Successful companies realize that they must be vigilant in constantly seeking improvement through understanding how products, services, and approaches are viewed by others and then use this information to address opportunities.

  • Do you really know what others think and say about your products and services or dealing with your company?

  • Are you prepared to work with others on expanding business opportunities by understanding and addressing their views?

  • Have you ever been surprised to find that you are poorly positioned in a situation because you were unaware of issues?

  • Are you seen in your industry in a way that matches how the company wants to be viewed and positioned?

  • How do your corporate and support team relationships work and how do they affect your success?

  • Do you have an effective strategy and process to understand what helps and hinders your success in the industry?

  • Do your employees, customers, and competitors view you as Above The Line?

Your ability to operate effectively, achieve the best outcomes and grow relationships and opportunities is a function of how well you respond to feedback. This feedback needs to be uncovered and managed proactively and in real business terms, to be useful. It also cannot be based on random response rates, or the perception that the results won't matter.

You can improve your business approach and partnerships through use of effective reviews, survey and feedback methods and demonstrate to others an Above The Line approach differentiating you from other organizations. Too many companies wait until contract expiry times are on the horizon to attempt to understand how to work with customers more effectively, or how the programs in place are really viewed. Initiating effective and measurable feedback as part of improvement and quality assurance processes is a mandatory part of having organizations proactively address what products or services are actually being delivered and how they are viewed from the most important perspective- that of the customer.

Above The Line Solutions works with both vendors and operators to design, implement and analyze specific feedback gathering and reviews versus broad questioning.  Often the best information comes from being present during actual business process interactions. The results are 100% confidential and reviewed only with the contracted client. We then will work with you to address uncovered areas of opportunities and will certify results and outcomes to third parties.



Program Implementation, Review & Compliance Outcomes

Companies define terms of agreements with others based on a set of expectations, whether envisioned, specifically defined, or contractual. These expectations often appear realistic and achievable when two parties are working on finalizing or reviewing the relationship, but unfortunately the reality is often quite below the line of those expectations.

Have you executed programs only to find that they did not deliver the impact or results that you desired?

Did unanticipated issues and challenges come to light once a program or purchase is in place or the agreement already made?

How can addressing these gaps create wins for the organization, or better yet; for both parties?

What is it costing you in terms of time, efficiency, or actual hard dollars, to not address these opportunities?

What is the best way to start or alter the program to avoid operational disruption and achieve maximum benefit?

Are all involved taking responsibility to effectively ensure their organization's commitments to the other are being met?

Even with the best belief of their abilities and intentions to deliver, one or both parties can overpromise versus the actual execution process, results and outcomes. Most often a lack of time, resources, commitment, and focus to the project, once launched is the cause. Frequently it is a result of how the program is pre-planned and communicated in regards to understanding outcome and expectation of both parties. These gaps can result in shortfalls in financial outcomes and business relationship depth. As a result, both parties have less partnership and benefits than they had anticipated. In the busy world we live in, too often the time just doesn't come to invest in something that people know they "really have to address when we have the time". As many admit, "we know we should do something about these things, but we only can handle so many priorities".

Above The Line Solutions works with you to review programs and review gaps that result in lost opportunities or unnecessary costs. For new a program, where possible we assist prior to finalizing the agreement. We review launch and roll-out plans, and effectively define expectation parameters prior to initiating it, to ensure it is a success and timelines are met. We identify areas and programs that have opportunities to be targeted for improvement. We then lead the expectation and execution process. Compliance reviews and monitoring ensure that expectations are being met and exceeded. This includes a cost-benefit review in advance of any implementation as well as logistical planning.






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